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Get cuffed
tourist and Mount Ararat
Because of its strategic location the Alfaristan independency has frequently been in dispute by annexing visitors and neighbors of our land. Consequently the tradition of the handcuffing foreigners came to flourish.
Read this if you are German

Special Infiltration Force
This elite corps of Alfaristan is established for infiltrating into all kinds of prisons, native and abroad.

Torture of Christians
Read what really happened with the accusations by Christian terrorists

See map of the regio or Alfaristan in detail



  • Alfaristan at Asfa Asia-section
  • Beni Bouayach about a tribe from Africa living in Alfaristan (in Dutch).
  • Darbe established citybounds with Dubai
  • Citybounds between Samar and Kuwait are dislodged
  • bounds between Amsterdam Westerpark in the Netherlands established (in Flemmish).
  • Pain 4 Pleasure international. Amsterdam site for people into giving or receiving punishment as form of recreation.
Meet the President
Meet the man who exert power over the place where Noah´s Ark stranded after the Great Flood. With his robustness, virility and tall stature he is a true descendant of the Medes. President Kazan Kabir was recently interviewed by Chain International.
Read the interview
  Chain International
  Christian Ark Raiders
Alfaristan has to deal with Christian terrorists looting Noah´s Ark. Read Noah in Alfaristan and what the law says about those flagitious´.
National Museum
Handcuffs are the national symbol of Alfaristan, as shown on the flag of our country. Highlight of the National Museum of Alfaristan is the Presidential Cuff Collection.
Visit the National Museum

The great flood
The history of our country on the slopes of Mount Ararat (39.7N 44.6E) started with the landing of Noah´s Ark after the Great Flood. Read about people who sighted te Ark

At the time of the birth of Jesus Christ the Oralpeople from North Africa settled in the southern part of Alfaristan. The Oraltribe originates from the Beni Bouayach and they form a majority in the south, with Darbe as their cult center. Sidi Oral is considered to be the founder of Alfaristan as independency. He led his tribe from the Rif-mountains of North Africa to the south of Alfaristan. His tomb is in the style of that of Oral´s father in North Africa.

Are the Oralpeople is a majority in the south, In the north the descendents of the Alfaris-tribes form the main population. Samar has beside the Oral-people a community of Samari. Samari´s descend from Kalimi (Jews), Arabs, Urartu (Armenians), Medes (Persians) and Turkish Kurds. Alfaristan is just outside the border of forthcoming Kurdistan. See map Kurdish area´s

When the Nomads arrive in Samar, the celebrations of the Samar Springfestival begins, and the Samari tradition is that this feast lingers on far into the harvest! Samar is the center of a fertile farm region that produces fruit and timber.

People of Alfaristan
General speaking the People of Alfaristan are descents from Parthian Medes (the Alfaris or Lurs as they are called in neighboring Iran), mixed with Byzantine, Urartu, Oral, Mongol, Kalimi (Jews), Venetian, Assassin, Turkmen, Azerbaijan, Anatolian Kizilbash, Janissars (elite Ottoman troops), Samari, Arab, Kurd, Oghuz and Seljuk people. There is no official state-religion in Alfaristan, most people are believed to be Shiite (alaouite/alevi) Muslim or act as.

See the Alfaristan History

noah´s ark

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7 Takhte Alfaris Str. 11a
Kirbac, Alfaristan