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Two crossed keys are quite a common charge in western coats of arms, symbol for Peter I, the first pope of Rome, believed to be the gatekeeper of heaven in the Catholic religion. The two keys are also a charge in the heraldry of Yumruk is Alfaristan. Not as symbol of pope Peter, but referring the dictum that every Yumruki is born as warder. The two keys symbolize the handcuffs, our national attribute Special guests of state always receive our traditional handcuff-greeting ceremony, but also other visitors to our beautiful country will soon be aware that handcuffs are our national symbol. Handcuffs also have their place on the national flag of the Presidential monarchy Alfaristan.

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Civic Coats of arms of Alfaristan
This site is completely devoted to the civic heraldry of Alfaristan, the coats of arms of our country and its villages. There are here no data on coats of arms of Alfari families or individual persons.

In western heraldry the first (disputed) example of heraldry it is found on the tomb of Geoffrey Plantagenet, dating 1127 as "birth rate" of heraldry. Western heraldry, because the use of armory emblems came to Europe from the Muslim countries via the Crusades. Signs and colors expressed the collective character of the group and was used long before by Alfaris, Arabs, Turks and Irani in battle for recognition. Soon also the Christian invaders painted crosses on their shields and start to use flags to be recognized, and the western world willingly accepted this use of sighs, pointing 1127 as date of their "invention".

coat of arms of Alfaristan

Our national emblem is the handcuff. They replaced the white horse on a red shield of the House of Alfaris by Act of President NR. 30-0450. Shield holders are two lions with eagle-heads. Our national colors are red, white and black.

Alfaristan flag
the flag of Alfaristan

The flag of Alfaristan is based on the stipulations of the father of our beloved President in Act 30-0450. Instead of the traditional handcuffs (as on the state coat of arms) it shows a more modern shackle.

The signs in Alfari heraldry represent ownership to fiefs and were in use when the Oghuz Turks in 1029 came to dominated our country. When Alfaristan was liberated by the Mongols in the 13th century the transformation of decorative motifs painted on shields into permanent emblems was fully established in Alfaristan, but never subjected to precise hereditary rules as imposed by ruling families in Europe.

Capital Alfars

coat of arms of Alfars

The coat of arms of our capital is equal to that of the Presidential House: the legendary Horse Alfars. Believed to be the father of the horse on which the prophet flew to heaven during the Night of Mirage. It is this coat of arms that adorn the Alfaris Handcuff Throne and ornament the ceremonial entrance of the Presidents house, next to the place where in 1184 Shams al-Dīn "Tabrizi" was borm, teacher of the greatest of Muslim Scholars, Mevlana Rumi.

Village of Yumruk

coat of arms of Yumruk

Two crossed keys the are symbol of Yumruk, most northern place of Alfaristan. Keys are there to keep locked and are quite a common charge in western coats of arms. There these two keys are the symbol for Peter I, the first pope of Rome, believed to be the gatekeeper of heaven in Catholic religion. The keys to keep heaven locked to non Roman catholics are encapsulate by a solid chain in the coat of arms Yumruk. Yumruk has a robust reputation, referring the well known dictum that every Yumruki is born as warder. Most houses here have a dungeon-extension to host visitors.

The place Dayak

coat of arms of Dayak

Center of the north, between Yumruk and Sille. In old times the use of handcuffs was not common in Dayak. They strapped with cloth, hence the tie in their coat of arms. Instead of the handcuffs most Dayaki carry along a piece of rope for the occasion. Some believe that the strapping cloth in the coat of arms refers to the bubbles of sulphurous gas in the small lakes south of Dayak. The spot nowadays is a favored spot for the Alfaristan men to do the traditional stomping and place of the tactical hancuffing and stomping festival. In the woods around the brave people of Dayak mould the double-tongued pretended king of Samar.

Hamlet of Kirbac

coat of arms of Kirbac

At the slopes of the “little' Mount Arafat (3925m) lies the little hamlet of Kirbac or Kirbaē. The people of Kirbac are skilled whipmakers and famous for their Horsehair Flogger, made from thousands of strands of long hair taken from the horse's tail.

Good whips are rare and it is very difficult to use them, as the tip of the whip can break the sound barrier (the characteristic 'crack' ) and has dangerous power. Being able to use one responsibly means a good deal of practice. The Kirbac Horsehair Flogger is known for its sensational stinging. You won't soon forget when the people of Kirbac demonstrate their expertise. For tourist whips are mainly bought as form of decoration.

Village of Darbe

coat of arms of Darbe

Most southern city near the border with Iran with the tomb of Sidi Oral Ayach build in the style of a North African "Zaouia". Oral is considered to be the founder of Alfaristan as independency. The men of Darbe give a firm earbox with their flat hand as friendly greeting. Young man here wear beside handcuffs their characteristic paddle, a broad, flat piece of leather attached to a short handle as alternative to the palm of the hand. Some paddles are made in the shape of a hand. Since the force of the blow is distributed across a wide area, it is obviously possible to be more severe with an insensate implement than could be with the bare hand.

Hamlet of Sille

coat of arms of Sille

North of the capital Alfars. Place of the so-called Donjon (Dungeon) of Pommel. This old tower was used as penal establishment to interrogate the Ottoman governor, Persian viceroy and other foreign intruders like more recent a group of so called Christian Ark Raiders. The people of Sille are known as the best birchmakers of Alfaristan. They trim the thin tips of the birches to reduce whipround. Sille birches are used traditionally for corporal punishment on young offenders. The twigs are stimulating, do little damage and can be used safely in areas of the body where other implements cannot.

Hamlet of Saklama

coat of arms of Saklama

On the Serdarbulak lava plateau (2600m), just north of Kirbac lies Saklama. Their shield is an adaptation of the national coat of arms, with (different from the national flag) quit modern handcuffs on a black background.

Settlement of Samar

coat of arms of Samar

Samar is the center of a fertile farm region south of the Serdarbulak lava plateau. A chainlet string shape their coat of arms. The village of Samar has beside Oral-people a community of Samari, and is known for its licentious celebrations of the springfeast, that lingers on far into the harvest!

Hamlet of Tekme

coat of arms of Tekme

Tekme is closest to the top of the Mount Ararat of all sites, east of the capital Alfars. For centuries the people of Tekme compete with the people of Dayak during the bi-annually held stomping festival. Tekme is the birthplace of Zoroaster (Zarathustra 7th cent. B.C.). At his "Tower of Silence" near Tekme is on a stout-service at 22.30 hours.

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7 Takhte Alfaris Str. 11a
Kirbac, Alfaristan