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Archive of Alfaristan
7 Takhte Alfaris Street (1st floor)
Kirbac, Alfaristan



Dept. of Christian sightings of Noah´s Ark
7 Takhte Alfaris Street 11a (1st floor)
Kirbac, Alfaristan


In 1943 Ed Davis from the 363rd Army Corps of Engineers working out of a base in Hamadan (ancient Ekbatan or Ecbatane), Iran building a supply route into Russia from Turkey. His driver, a young man named Badi Abas, leaded him to the cave filled with artifacts that came from the ark. A step taken to keep the belongings of the Ark out of the hands of foreign outsiders who would profane them.

Badi Abas and I drive down along the border as far as Casbeen until we get to a his little village (this was the settlement I had helped get water). We spend the night there.

At dawn the next day, we reach the foothills of Ararat and arrive at another primitive village. Abas tells me the name of the village means "Where Noah Planted The Vine." I see grape vines so big at their trunk you can't reach around them. Very, very old.

Abas says they have a cave filled with artifacts that came from the ark. They find them strewn in a canyon below the ark, collect them to keep from outsiders who, they think, would profane them. It's all sacred to them. That night, they show me the artifacts. Oil lamps, clay vats, old style tools, things like that. I see a cage-like door, maybe thirty by forty inches, made of woven branches. It's hard as stone, looks petrified. It has a hand-carved lock or latch on it. I could even see the wood grain.

We sleep. At first light, we put on mountain clothes and they bring up a string of horses. I leave with seven male members of the Abas family and we ride -- seems like an awful long time.

Finally we come to a hidden cave deep in the foothills of Greater Ararat. They say it's where T. E. Lawrence (of Arabia) hid when he was doing reconnaissance. There's a huge pot of hot food waiting for us.

We eat and then climb back on our horses and continue riding higher on the narrow trail. They tell me we're going through the 'Back Door.' It's a secret route used by smugglers or bandits.

Along the way, they point out a pair of human legs sticking out of the ice and tell me he shouldn't have been up there. I believe them.

I don't know how the horses are able to follow the route. In some places you can tell we were riding along a high cliff but most of the time it's hard to see because of the rain and fog. A freezing wind is blowing and it feels like it's going right through me. Soon, Abas tells me to be quiet because we're at a place where Russian sentries, stationed below, might here us.

We ride in silence for the rest of the day. Sometimes they'd communicate in their own private code by short whistles.

Eventually we run out of trail. Someone from the Abas family is waiting for us, takes our horses and we are roped together and climb on foot much higher to another cave. I can't tell where we are. The rain never lets up...

After three days of climbing we come to the last cave. Inside, there's strange writing, it looked beautiful and old, on the rock walls and a kind of natural rock bed or outcropping near the back of the cavern. Another pot of food is waiting for us. Everything's prepared for my visit by the Abas family. It rains hard all night.

The next morning we get up and wait. The rain lets up and we walk along a narrow trail behind a dangerous outcropping called 'Doomsday Rock'. I guess it's called that because it's a place you could easily die. and many have. Some not of their own doing. We doubled back around behind the imposing rock formation and come to a ledge. We are enveloped by fog.

Suddenly the fog lifts and the sun breaks through a hole in the clouds. It's a very mystical sight as the light shimmers on the wet canyon. My Moslem friends pray to Allah. They speak quietly and are very subdued...

After they finish praying, Badi Abas points down into a kind of horseshoe crevasse and says, 'That's Noah's Ark.' But I can't see anything. Everything's the same color and texture. Then I see it -- a huge, rectangular, man-made structure partly covered by a talas of ice and rock, lying on its side. At least a hundred feet are clearly visible. I can even see inside it, into the end where it's been broken off, timbers are sticking out, kind of twisted and gnarled, water's cascading out from under it.

Abas points down the canyon and I can make out another portion of it. I can see how the two pieces were once joined -- the torn timbers kind of match.

They told me the Ark is broken into three of four big pieces. Inside the broken end of the biggest piece, I can see at least three floors and Abas says there's a living space near the top with forty-eight rooms. He says there are cages inside as small as my hand, others big enough to hold a family of elephants.

I can see what looks like remains of partitions and walkways inside the bigger piece. I really want to touch it -- it's hard to explain the feeling. Abas says we can go down on ropes in the morning. It begins to rain and we go back to the cave...

Next morning when we get up, it's snowing. It had snowed all night and it's at least belt deep on me. I can't see anything down in the canyon. The Ark is no longer visible. Abas says, 'We have to leave, it's too dangerous.'

It takes five days to get off the mountain and back to my base. I smell so bad when I get back, they burn my clothes. And no one seems interested in what I saw, so I quit talking about it. But I dream about it every night for twenty years.

There's something up there..."

(End Davis statement)

Archive of Alfaristan
7 Takhte Alfaris Street (1st floor)
Kirbac, Alfaristan

1948/Shukru Asena 69 farmer in Eastern Turkey frontier district to Associated Press

In 1948 Shukru Asena, a 69-year-old farmer who owned large acreage in the Eastern Turkey frontier district, announced that a Kurdish boy called Reshit had discovered the Ark for the Associated Press in 1948.

Turk Reports 'Ship' Atop Mt. Ararat

By Edwin B. Greenwald

ISTANBUL, Nov. 13 1948 (AP)—The petrified remains of an object which peasants insist resembles a ship has been found high up Mt. Ararat, biblical landing place of Noah's ark. Apparently hidden for centuries, it came to light last summer when unusually warm weather melted away an ancient mantle of snow and ice. While various persons from time to time, have reported seeing objects resembling a "house" or a "ship" on the mountain, Turks who have seen this new find purport it to be the only object which actually could be taken as the remains of a ship. Shukru Asena, 69-year-old farmer who owns large acreage in that far off eastern frontier district, told about he discovery in and unheralded visit to the Associated Press bureau here (Istanbul). This is his story:

Early in September a Kurdish farmer named Reshit was about two-thirds of the way up the 16,969-foot peak when he came upon an object he had never seen before, although he had been up the mountain many times. He moved around it and then climbed higher to examine it from above. There, Reshit said it was the prow of a ship protruding into a canyon down which tons of melting ice and snow had been gushing for more than two months. The prow was almost entirely revealed, but the rest of the object still was covered. The contour of the earth, Reshit said, indicated the invisible part of the object was shaped like a ship. The prow, he added, was about the size of a house.

Reshit climbed down to it and with his dagger tried to beak off a piece of the bow. It was so hard it would not break. It was blackened with age.

Reshit insisted it was not a simple rock formation. "I know a ship when I see one," he said. "This is a ship." He spread the word among little villages at the base of the mountain and peasants began climbing up its northern slope to see the weird thing he had found. Each who came back said it was a ship.

An expedition from America last summer was reported coming to see if it could find remains of the ark preserved in the ice atop Mt. Ararat, but no one in that eastern area has reported any foreign visitors.


In Annapolis, Md, Frederick Avery, model ship maker for the naval academy museum who was to have been a member of the American expedition, said the trip had been "called off for the time being." Avery said that the "international situation and fighting in that area" had complicated plans and that the expedition could not get clearance and get ready in time. Mt. Ararat is frozen 10 months of the year. August and September are the only two months of thaw.

TELLS OF FINDING ARK—Shukru Asena, bushy-mustached farmer from eastern Turkey, said that startled peasants had found the petrified remains of a ship high up Mt. Ararat, Biblical landing place of Noah's ark. It was brought to light by extraordinarily heavy thaws that washed away the "ship's" ancient mask of ice and snow. Here Shukru Asena points out the location of Ararat on a map.

Archive of Alfaristan
7 Takhte Alfaris Street (1st floor)
Kirbac, Alfaristan

1953/TODD william/usa NAVY UNIT V.J. 63 at DiYARBAKIR/TURKEY

At age 27, William Todd, was a Photographer's Mate Chief who joined the U.S. Navy on June 24th 1944 and retired after 21 years in 1965. The Navy Hydrographic Office from Washington, D.C. and Army Map Service combined with the Turkish Air Force in Diyarbakir to give the first accurate mapping of Turkey working. Todd's account is another aerial sighting with some amazing claims about photographing the ark but without any photographs. Note that 1953 was the same summer that George Greene claimed to see the ark.

My U.S. Navy unit V.J. 61 was attached to the Turkish Air Force in both Ismir and Diyarbakir, Turkey. In Diyarbakir the dust and flies tested the spirit as the summer temperatures reached 120 degrees. We were flying U.S. Naval AJ2P photographic-configured Savage aircraft. Our coverage was three 6-inch focal length aerial cameras, mounted in a trimetrogon mounting to ensure vertical 30-degree oblique. This is a standard configuration for horizon to horizon coverage. We had a 6-inch focal length in the prime vertical gyro stabilized mount. Our other prime vertical was a 12-inch focal length in a static mount. The aircraft was the steadiest platform that the Armed Forces had at that time. Along with the navigation I was also one of two camera repairmen on the detachment. Our mapping altitude was 30,000 feet (true altitude) and remained the same for four years to get a 1:30,000 ratio. I won't go in detail about confirming "true altitude" over "indicated altitude" at this time, but I will add that daily flights must use true altitude or the flight lines will not match when laid as a mosaic. In order to re-set their altimeters perfectly, we would fly our AJ2P aircraft over the Black Sea otherwise our true altitude was typically off some.

Between 1951 and 1955, the Navy was in charge of mapping the entire nation of Turkey because most of Turkey's maps were outdated and incorrect. We mapped over the borders up to 250 miles. Since there were no markings on our aircraft because we didn't want the U.S.S.R. or Iran to know that we were U.S. airplanes, it was dangerous to fly into other countries' airspace but we did it anyway.

That afternoon we spotted the anomaly while we were descending to Diyarbakir. It was interesting and we had plenty of fuel, so we descended and took a long look-see. When we flew over the summit, we noticed an object above the gorge (their maps did not have the name Ahora on it at that time) sticking out of the ice at a true altitude of 14,500 to 16,000 feet. The very thought of the ark would have been ridiculous, as there was no reason to believe that it existed to modern times. But there appeared this structure lying on a little shelf protruding from ice and snow. At the base were snow patches and large to small rocks. The upper part had me additions that looked like a railing or a roof that was in extreme disrepair. The color was about the same as the ground.

We witnessed the structure from about 2,000 feet above the object. However, once it was spotted, we flew around the mountain numerous times along the side of the object. It was a rectangular, slate-colored boat that we all claimed was Noah's Ark.

The object appeared to be of huge size and was filled with ice and snow. In this anomaly it looked like a craft of some sort. The ground around the structure was broken up and ice was all around the area. As a Naval Chief Petty Officer, it did not look like a typical boat and was completely out of place. It appeared more like a barge.

I shot one roll of aerial film 400 feet long by 9 inches wide. Since we want ed to use all the film, we had to make a number of passes. We proceeded to Diyarbakir where I personally processed the film and made prints. In the Navy it's said if you need to do something of extreme importance, "Process it yourself." Otherwise, some else invariably causes a mishap and ruins the film.

Windows on top of the structure ran all the way from the ice to the bow. About 35 feet of the structure was sticking out of the ice. Since we were professional photographers, we measured the photos to determine the width and length of the object using the formula Scale = Focal Length / (12 * Altitude). It turned out to be exactly 75 feet wide by 45 feet high using an 18-inch cubit. When we found that it precisely matched Genesis, we were running around with chills down their back.

I noted that the Tigris River was running high that year because of the extreme heat melting snow in the mountains. After a few months, I gave my photos to my Baptist minister (perhaps named Grant?) in Sanford, Florida who kept them and then died. Later attempts to get them back were never successful. The Naval Photographic Science Center Archives in Washington D.C. should have the negatives but claim that they could not find them. We gave four or five copies of the pictures to all of our crew. The whole squadron of six mapping planes was abuzz about Noah's Ark and everyday some plane "accidentally" went by Ararat to see it. You practically needed a control tower around Ararat that summer. After seeing the photos, we were convinced that the structure was Noah's Ark.

Others in my group who were eyewitnesses included an Uncle Joe Gorsky (a retired U.S. Naval pilot and commander of Russian decent who spent time in Guam), Ensign Glacow (navigator who later flew for United Airlines and supposedly found several million dollars of gold in the Amazon River mud), Mr. Trent and Mr. Finkbiner who were stationed for a time in Sanford, Florida. I have lost track of them all. I am confident that the set of photos still exist if we could just track them down. I highly regret my having given them to my minister.

Although I have read Bill Shea's articles and have conversed with James Irwin, Barry Setterfield, and John McIntosh, I have attempted to write this without being influenced by their views.

Archive of Alfaristan
7 Takhte Alfaris Street (1st floor)
Kirbac, Alfaristan

1999/OSIAL wlodek/polska ALL2JESUS TERRORIST

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